
Done with overtime!

The company I work for has a standard 48hrs work week every week, Monday-Thursday 10hrs and 8hrs on Friday (as if 40hrs isn’t enough ). I’ve beat my head against it for a few months now and finally I’ve had enough of my voice going un-heard and my coworkers seemingly zombified by it and just “acting like 10hr days are normal” So as of this past Monday I’ve just started clocking out and leaving the office at the end of a normal 8hr shift, instead of their demanded 10hrs. Wonder how long till something is said, eh not really. Fuck it, fire me. Deuces!

The company I work for has a standard 48hrs work week every week, Monday-Thursday 10hrs and 8hrs on Friday (as if 40hrs isn’t enough ).

I’ve beat my head against it for a few months now and finally I’ve had enough of my voice going un-heard and my coworkers seemingly zombified by it and just “acting like 10hr days are normal”

So as of this past Monday I’ve just started clocking out and leaving the office at the end of a normal 8hr shift, instead of their demanded 10hrs.
Wonder how long till something is said, eh not really. Fuck it, fire me. Deuces!

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