
I had a government union job. I was promised overtime. Until they cut it. I was promise management positions until the top guy was giving positions for sexual favors.

I gave my life to my career. Even when management was discouraging people to not get vaccinated illegally! Top guy forced to resign and still keeps his all his benefits which is in the millions. He cheated on his wife and made another chick pregnant. His policies are still in place. He laughed and told everyone to get second jobs if they didn’t make enough due to him cutting hours while the union clerked was laughing as well in the room. I fucking hate this country 🇺🇸 I am bitter and rightly so. Watching women being laughed at while trying to work honestly and being used while us men are just victims too in this egotistical bullshit because we are forced to watch his mistreatment of black women who were are coworkers and friends. Fuck the government, fuck trump, fuck the post master general that created this toxic environment. I…

I gave my life to my career. Even when management was discouraging people to not get vaccinated illegally! Top guy forced to resign and still keeps his all his benefits which is in the millions. He cheated on his wife and made another chick pregnant. His policies are still in place. He laughed and told everyone to get second jobs if they didn’t make enough due to him cutting hours while the union clerked was laughing as well in the room. I fucking hate this country 🇺🇸 I am bitter and rightly so. Watching women being laughed at while trying to work honestly and being used while us men are just victims too in this egotistical bullshit because we are forced to watch his mistreatment of black women who were are coworkers and friends.

Fuck the government, fuck trump, fuck the post master general that created this toxic environment. I hate it all. Oh yeah, did I mention that one of my supervisors who was a trump supporter try to order me to remove post office boxes from lower income neighborhoods aka where black and brown people live? Yeah…I fucking hate it. I hate this.

Unions isn’t enough. Total reform is needed.

Hate me and yeah, rightly so. But I don’t care. I hate this. I almost died for my career and the union. All I got in return was spit, laughter, and mockery.

Lol I use to be a capitalist. But now….I’m radicalized. Not because of propaganda, but because of experience.

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