
Don’t be fooled, even small businesses will screw you over.

Small businesses tend to have this persona that they care about their employees more and advocate for a “progressive” work culture. None of that is true, at least in my experience. After recently graduating college, I took a job for a small design company near my hometown. Not only was I criticized for not being “quirky” or “outgoing” as the rest of the group, but I was extremely overworked, underpaid and faced with unprofessional experiences, I was hired as a Social Media manager but the role quickly evolved to Customer Service, Web Maintenance, Analysts, Inventory Manager, Advertisement Manager, Email Marketer, Event coordinator, etc. The list goes on and on. I was only paid minimum wage and when gaining all these new responsibilities they said “oh, we will give you a raise based on your 1 year review”. Plot twist, I was let go the day before my 1 year. I…

Small businesses tend to have this persona that they care about their employees more and advocate for a “progressive” work culture. None of that is true, at least in my experience. After recently graduating college, I took a job for a small design company near my hometown. Not only was I criticized for not being “quirky” or “outgoing” as the rest of the group, but I was extremely overworked, underpaid and faced with unprofessional experiences,

I was hired as a Social Media manager but the role quickly evolved to Customer Service, Web Maintenance, Analysts, Inventory Manager, Advertisement Manager, Email Marketer, Event coordinator, etc. The list goes on and on. I was only paid minimum wage and when gaining all these new responsibilities they said “oh, we will give you a raise based on your 1 year review”. Plot twist, I was let go the day before my 1 year.

I could really go into detail on the horrors of working for this small business company but all I can say is be aware when accepting a job offer from a small business.

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