
“Don’t bother coming in Monday”

These were the words my manager uttered to a coworker of mine, who I became close friends with. He was never informed of a shift that he supposedly had at 10 PM on a Wednesday. Mainly because our ass kissing assistant manager never fucking updated our schedules. So once he got the word he apparently had to be at our warehouse for 10, he politely told my manager he couldn’t make it, as he has a newborn to look after. So despite the hard work my coworker had been putting in for years, he gets basically fired on the spot. I was beside him when this happened. So today I walk into my managers office and told him I no longer wish to work here anymore, send me my pay next week and I’m out as of today. Fuck the two week notice. And they expect people to stay loyal…

These were the words my manager uttered to a coworker of mine, who I became close friends with. He was never informed of a shift that he supposedly had at 10 PM on a Wednesday. Mainly because our ass kissing assistant manager never fucking updated our schedules. So once he got the word he apparently had to be at our warehouse for 10, he politely told my manager he couldn’t make it, as he has a newborn to look after. So despite the hard work my coworker had been putting in for years, he gets basically fired on the spot. I was beside him when this happened. So today I walk into my managers office and told him I no longer wish to work here anymore, send me my pay next week and I’m out as of today. Fuck the two week notice. And they expect people to stay loyal to companies who treat their workers as if they are robots or some shit. Fuck that. If that’s how they treat an employee, imagine what would happen had I told them I couldn’t make one single shift due to family or personal reasons. Well they might think I’m crazy for quitting, but when you have connections, you can get a job within no time. One hour after I quit, I already got an interview for another job, this time with benefits. You got to look after yourself in these times. Never stay loyal to a company that will never value you.

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