
Don’t ever think your job values you, all they want is you to be their slave.

I work for a large company and a new position became available not too long ago, it was better pay and less physical. I have worked for this company for over 5 years, I have always gone above and beyond for this company, never miss a day and even work on my days off when I’m needed, a lot of times I am the last one there until we close. The position became available and I instantly inquired about it and my boss told me I’d be a great fit, had my interview on the same day. A lot other people were also interested. Two days later I am called into the office and my boss tells me they have chosen another candidate blah blah blah… the person that got this job always comes in and works their 8 hours and goes home not caring if everyone else finishes or…

I work for a large company and a new position became available not too long ago, it was better pay and less physical. I have worked for this company for over 5 years, I have always gone above and beyond for this company, never miss a day and even work on my days off when I’m needed, a lot of times I am the last one there until we close. The position became available and I instantly inquired about it and my boss told me I’d be a great fit, had my interview on the same day. A lot other people were also interested. Two days later I am called into the office and my boss tells me they have chosen another candidate blah blah blah… the person that got this job always comes in and works their 8 hours and goes home not caring if everyone else finishes or not, and misses at least once a month. I am honestly very disappointed as I have always been there when I am needed and they decide to put someone who is selfish and only cares about their job in that position.

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