
Don’t Work for Corporate Technologies

1) They sell you on a six figure pipe dream to lure you in, but you’re paid 40k/year salary while only one other sales rep makes six figures while everybody else is stuck dialing for dollars. If you are lucky enough to get a contract signed, unlike most jobs where you get commission paid immediately, you don't get commission pay until like 2 months after it's signed and that's IF the business owner doesn't cancel on you. The only way you make six figures is if someone in your office hands you accounts, or you politically maneuver your way in. 2) They are chock full of toxic positivity. In the past, both on and off the clock, I've had people hide their caller ID in order to verbally abuse me, intimidate me or sexually harass me. I used to answer all calls, but since those incidents I have refused to…

1) They sell you on a six figure pipe dream to lure you in, but you’re paid 40k/year salary while only one other sales rep makes six figures while everybody else is stuck dialing for dollars. If you are lucky enough to get a contract signed, unlike most jobs where you get commission paid immediately, you don't get commission pay until like 2 months after it's signed and that's IF the business owner doesn't cancel on you.

The only way you make six figures is if someone in your office hands you accounts, or you politically maneuver your way in.

2) They are chock full of toxic positivity. In the past, both on and off the clock, I've had people hide their caller ID in order to verbally abuse me, intimidate me or sexually harass me. I used to answer all calls, but since those incidents I have refused to answer calls from people who hide their caller ID. One day this woman called me FOUR times all four times hiding her caller ID and when she left voicemails they were harassing in nature. When my manager, Lucy noticed I was rejecting the harassing lady's calls she said, “Answer it! That could be a deal!” (I'm thinking to myself: there's no way someone prank calling me is serious about potentially doing business with us you r-word.) I calmly and professionally said, “Due to harassment in the past, I no longer answer calls from unknown numbers.” Lucy: “But what if it's a deal?!” Me: (professionally and calmly) Let's agree to disagree and move on. Then Lucy threatened my job and said the reason I wasn't having any success at my job was because I was too negative. Eat shit Lucy.

3) The “company provided leads” are a fucking joke. The list has not been updated for THIRTEEN YEARS!! I was never given fresh, new marketing and I was never given a new neighborhood. Once you filter out all the disconnected numbers and places that don't qualify, you have about 500 or so businesses to call and I was calling those same exact businesses five months in a row. You're forbidden from calling cell phones so most of the time you're dealing with secretaries, not decision makers. Both secretaries and owners treat you like a pest and a scumbag just for doing your job.

4) They swear it's not a telemarketing job, but a seasoned 49 year old salesman who was hired at CorpTech turned to his coworker after about five days of work and said, “This is a telemarketing job isn't it? This is not what I signed up for.” and left without notifying anyone.

The only positive that came from CorpTech is that employers are more likely to hire me and it's an excellent resume builder.

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