
Double standard

Some months ago I worked as I recruiter, maybe the worst job I had to this moment. I had to work in a massive process for a new opening Hotel in the city-town. As part of the opening the hotel was staying free and did daily parties for celebrities and influencers. On the other side, my task was to seek for cooks and dish washers to be hided by the Hotel. The Hotel wasn't giving any material for those workers. For the cooks they had to bring their own knives and uniform. For the dish washers they had to bring their own security foot wear. I got very angry because I saw how the Hotel was spending loads of money in promoting the opening giving “important” people everything for free and in the other side they asked workers to bring their material. What are your thoughts? (That's no the central…

Some months ago I worked as I recruiter, maybe the worst job I had to this moment.

I had to work in a massive process for a new opening Hotel in the city-town.

As part of the opening the hotel was staying free and did daily parties for celebrities and influencers.

On the other side, my task was to seek for cooks and dish washers to be hided by the Hotel. The Hotel wasn't giving any material for those workers. For the cooks they had to bring their own knives and uniform. For the dish washers they had to bring their own security foot wear.

I got very angry because I saw how the Hotel was spending loads of money in promoting the opening giving “important” people everything for free and in the other side they asked workers to bring their material.

What are your thoughts?

(That's no the central subject but weeks later I resigned from that job)

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