
Downtime Rant

I work in science, the particular science I do there is a FUCK TON of hurry up and wait. Experiments have to run, processes need time to complete. If there isn’t a present project I’m kinda just waiting around. Luckily I have a cubicle I can kind of chill at, usually I knit, recently though they changed seating so I’m sitting next to more of my older coworkers. These coworkers seems kind of miffed when I knit at work. Not like they are doing anything other than reading or messing around on their computers, even my boss watches K dramas when she has downtime. How do I stop caring what my coworkers think of me, because I literally have nothing to do?

I work in science, the particular science I do there is a FUCK TON of hurry up and wait. Experiments have to run, processes need time to complete. If there isn’t a present project I’m kinda just waiting around. Luckily I have a cubicle I can kind of chill at, usually I knit, recently though they changed seating so I’m sitting next to more of my older coworkers. These coworkers seems kind of miffed when I knit at work. Not like they are doing anything other than reading or messing around on their computers, even my boss watches K dramas when she has downtime. How do I stop caring what my coworkers think of me, because I literally have nothing to do?

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