
Dreading going back into hospitality, but it’s all I know. Questioning the point in working.

If I’m posting in the wrong subreddit, please direct me somewhere where this is more valid. I’m a 27 year old, male, college drop out, with potentially undiagnosed ADHD (if not major procrastination issues). I wouldn’t consider myself unintelligent, but I’m unmotivated for sure. Throughout my early twenties I went to community college twice, but dropped out and then entered Uni via a mature student program at 23, but due to unforeseen circumstances I had to drop out after my first year. I found myself in the service industry as I’ve worked in some establishments in between my failed education experiences, so after the final attempt at uni I just jumped back into hospitality (Restaurants, Cafe work, bars). One part of myself genuinely doesn’t mind it as I’ve a passion for food and coffee and what keeps me going is the idea that I can learn the ropes and potentially…

If I’m posting in the wrong subreddit, please direct me somewhere where this is more valid.

I’m a 27 year old, male, college drop out, with potentially undiagnosed ADHD (if not major procrastination issues). I wouldn’t consider myself unintelligent, but I’m unmotivated for sure. Throughout my early twenties I went to community college twice, but dropped out and then entered Uni via a mature student program at 23, but due to unforeseen circumstances I had to drop out after my first year.

I found myself in the service industry as I’ve worked in some establishments in between my failed education experiences, so after the final attempt at uni I just jumped back into hospitality (Restaurants, Cafe work, bars).

One part of myself genuinely doesn’t mind it as I’ve a passion for food and coffee and what keeps me going is the idea that I can learn the ropes and potentially open my own place one day.

The other half feels absolutely fucked over by the service industry. I’m not against working hard, but I’ve found that I’ve been taken advantage of countless times in hospitality and the culture surrounding this job sector can be toxic.

A few examples being:

  • Low wages

  • Under staffed, and worked twice as hard

  • Being told that I’m not allowed be sick

  • Being talked badly to in an unprofessional manor (If people talked like this to each other in corporate jobs their would be uproar)

  • Not being respected during my off time and put under pressure to come in on my day off

I could go on, but to be honest if I did this post would take forever.

I was working in a cafe but due to these reasons I quit. Since leaving my job a month ago, I moved home and I’m currently on welfare and to be honest I’m not down much financially. I help out at home, but I don’t have major bills to pay.

Now, here is where I could potentially sound like a man child; but I’m starting to question the point in working.

I come from a rural background, and to even work in this sector was costing me either transport wise or rent wise as I had to relocate. I worked it out and after expenses I’m about 500 less on welfare, which may sound like something but it’s not considering that this difference is the price of my mental health and freedom. Since quitting I’ve been a lot less stressed out.

I don’t have my own place anymore, but to be honest when i was working constantly I never got to enjoy it. The place was a mess because I was honestly exhausted from work and the idea of cooking and cleaning was too much after 10 hour shifts.

I have a good relationship with my parents and since moving back it’s been nice. I do a lot of cooking and look after the dogs during the day and I enjoy the company/ warm family environment.

I know i can’t live with my parents forever and be unemployed, so after Christmas I’m moving out and going back into the « adult world », but how do I justify this? I legit work all the time to have a place that’s not half as nice as my home place and I’m constantly stressed. Maybe If I had a better job, i wouldn’t feel as stuck, but I’m lost.

TLDR: Got sick of giving all my time to low paying service jobs. Quit and moved home to my parents. Somehow I don’t have less money as I’m temporarily on welfare and don’t have high commuting/living expenses. Questioning why i’m putting myself through so much stress and time for slightly more money and an apartment I can barely enjoy. I can’t live in my parents and be unemployed forever but I’m lost right now.

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