
Dress-code requirements and other costs.

I work in an industry where you're required to wear dress clothes, pretty much for every shift. A lot of dress clothing requires dry cleaning- which I had set out to do the day before yesterday while I had a day off, but an unexpected car troubles that required emergency diagnostics and a small repair. The emergency wiped out my checking account, and until my check hits anywhere between today and Friday, I'm in the red by at least $50. Fast forward to today. I worked an opening shift with the store manager, who gave me a sort of look that was in between disdain and mild annoyance. She asked me why my clothes weren't pressed, and that did I know we had a corporate visit today? Which, I had no idea, but still- I told her I had an unexpected bill and had to use my budget to fix…

I work in an industry where you're required to wear dress clothes, pretty much for every shift. A lot of dress clothing requires dry cleaning- which I had set out to do the day before yesterday while I had a day off, but an unexpected car troubles that required emergency diagnostics and a small repair. The emergency wiped out my checking account, and until my check hits anywhere between today and Friday, I'm in the red by at least $50.

Fast forward to today. I worked an opening shift with the store manager, who gave me a sort of look that was in between disdain and mild annoyance.

She asked me why my clothes weren't pressed, and that did I know we had a corporate visit today?

Which, I had no idea, but still- I told her I had an unexpected bill and had to use my budget to fix my car.

“You're in your 20s and don't have enough to launder your clothes???”

Yes. I don't. I reminded her that dry cleaning isn't reimbursed and I have to budget for it. The costs are astronomical compared to the cost of a laundromat. She's upset at me at this point and asked me if I wanted to buy something off the shelf. I said, with what money?? We were expecting customers in half an hour. I don't think I'd even have enough time to ask to borrow money in that time for it. I don't even have anyone who would spot me 80 bucks.

If it's required of us to wear uniforms or certain dresses, shouldn't it be a work subsidized service to provide an expensive way to care for the clothing?

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