
Drowning in bills and can’t find job

I’m literally hanging onto a thread. I moved to a new city after college with all my savings and can’t find a job that is not minimum wage or relying on tips. College was a fucking scam. I can afford to live for one more month and then I will be forced to accept any work I can find. Living under capitalism is hell where we are forced to work for stupid wages and barely survive. This is genuine hell and I would rather die than slave away but I have a pet cat that I need to live for. Fuck.

I’m literally hanging onto a thread. I moved to a new city after college with all my savings and can’t find a job that is not minimum wage or relying on tips. College was a fucking scam. I can afford to live for one more month and then I will be forced to accept any work I can find. Living under capitalism is hell where we are forced to work for stupid wages and barely survive. This is genuine hell and I would rather die than slave away but I have a pet cat that I need to live for. Fuck.

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