
Dumb question, what is the antiwork way for references on your job app?

Hi everyone, I'm seeking advice on how to get references in an anti-work context. I want to be upfront and mention that I have dyslexia, anxiety and ADHD, which has caused me extra trouble in most jobs with performance and makes it tough for me to get references. I only get by in most interviews as the place is super desperate for help or I might double up on my meds that day to stay a bit more focused. Professional references: I have tried to obtain references the legitimate way by asking my previous managers, but unfortunately, they tend to blame me for whatever goes wrong in the store, even if I wasn't there that day. When i stopped doing everyone's work for them at these jobs, the management got mad and made me take a drug test every month. Later i got out of that and got into teaching…

Hi everyone,

I'm seeking advice on how to get references in an anti-work context. I want to be upfront and mention that I have dyslexia, anxiety and ADHD, which has caused me extra trouble in most jobs with performance and makes it tough for me to get references. I only get by in most interviews as the place is super desperate for help or I might double up on my meds that day to stay a bit more focused.

Professional references: I have tried to obtain references the legitimate way by asking my previous managers, but unfortunately, they tend to blame me for whatever goes wrong in the store, even if I wasn't there that day. When i stopped doing everyone's work for them at these jobs, the management got mad and made me take a drug test every month. Later i got out of that and got into teaching overseas. Sadly, my ADHD got in the way and I realized that I don't have the ability to teach. On top of that I realized I probably was too nice to teach as I faced hostility from the school administration and parents, although the kids enjoyed my kind nature(although didn't respect it and acted up).

Personal references: I find it difficult to connect with people, and I don't like most of them. I need my downtime, and most people end up using me. While some of it is fine, ultimately, they do something such as borrowing money and I never hear back from them again. Meanwhile, they gladly hang out with others. Eventually, I was like this is enough and ghosted em all. Never had a friend since and am much happier. I have switched to focusing on hobbies and always having something to do in my free time.

As a result, getting references the legit ways has been challenging. Some people never respond to my requests, while others give me lengthy chat messages detailing my mistakes without acknowledging my strengths. In some cases, people agree to provide references but never follow through.

I'm wondering if anyone has advice on how to get references in a more effective way or wink wink, a cheating way? In the past, I used to make references up all the time, but people don't do phone numbers anymore. I have considered making up Gmail accounts and using VPNs to provide references, but I'm concerned that this could look suspicious. a lot of websites these days wont even load if you use a VPN too. I've also considered answering the questions on my phone's data , but I'm not sure if this is traceable. Doing it at a library or public place may not be wise either. Any tips on some reference hacks would be appreciated. Thanks!

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