
Employee berated for taking a lunch

I was picking up my new glasses yesterday and had a bit of a wait. Once I was served and sitting with the person checking the fit the other employee came in the store. As she came in, the person serving me turned and said to her in a real why are you not answering your phone? Ill me talking to corporate tomorrow about this. The woman replied she was still on her lunch and went in to the back. The woman serving me said its behaviour like this is why you had to wait. I don't know what kind of response she was expecting but I don't think it went as she wanted. I said I'm more than accommodating to wait in allowing a person to have a proper lunch break and if staffing is shorthanded that's a Management and corporate issue not the person who is taking their…

I was picking up my new glasses yesterday and had a bit of a wait. Once I was served and sitting with the person checking the fit the other employee came in the store. As she came in, the person serving me turned and said to her in a real why are you not answering your phone? Ill me talking to corporate tomorrow about this. The woman replied she was still on her lunch and went in to the back.
The woman serving me said its behaviour like this is why you had to wait. I don't know what kind of response she was expecting but I don't think it went as she wanted.

I said I'm more than accommodating to wait in allowing a person to have a proper lunch break and if staffing is shorthanded that's a Management and corporate issue not the person who is taking their break. I have more of a problem that you would speak like that to an employee and say those things about her in front of a customer. You're not the only one who will be talking to corporate.

Called corporate today and let them know how unprofessional that was and that employee should not acted that way towards a person taking a lunch break.

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