
Employee has called off 2 days in a row due to wife having surgery.

I'm the department head of a small office in local county government, office has 2 FT and 1 PT employee, me included. One of my employees has called out 2 days in a row because his wife's appendix ruptured and he needed to stay home to make sure kids got on the bus and other family issues. Instead of chastising him, threatening him, demanding proof of his wife's hospitalization I told him office is covered, your appointments are covered, take care of your family and wife. Because that's what good leadership is right? I feel us as a younger (I'm 41) generation gets it. As long as the show goes on, and things are handled what is the issue? It really is on us to take care of one another at the end of the day.

I'm the department head of a small office in local county government, office has 2 FT and 1 PT employee, me included. One of my employees has called out 2 days in a row because his wife's appendix ruptured and he needed to stay home to make sure kids got on the bus and other family issues.

Instead of chastising him, threatening him, demanding proof of his wife's hospitalization I told him office is covered, your appointments are covered, take care of your family and wife.

Because that's what good leadership is right? I feel us as a younger (I'm 41) generation gets it. As long as the show goes on, and things are handled what is the issue? It really is on us to take care of one another at the end of the day.

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