
Employee knocks out manager and injure security after layoff.

I refrained from posting this but feel more conformable now that some time has passed. names changed! Bob is a mid-50s bald overweight bald guy was with the company for 6 years and by all accounts was a great employee. Joe is a manager who is fairly young, mid-30s, dresses well and thin. Joe brought Bill out to lunch and when when they got back to the office, they were met in the lobby by security. Joe told Bill he was fired, took a box of Bill’s belongings that were collected from his cube, and passed them to bill. Bill socked Joe in the face and he fell to the ground. Security tried to intervene and Bill also punched him , took the box and throw it. He then proceeded to leave campus. He was arrested later that day. There was a twitter and Facebook account created and it’s suspected…

I refrained from posting this but feel more conformable now that some time has passed. names changed!

Bob is a mid-50s bald overweight bald guy was with the company for 6 years and by all accounts was a great employee. Joe is a manager who is fairly young, mid-30s, dresses well and thin.

Joe brought Bill out to lunch and when when they got back to the office, they were met in the lobby by security. Joe told Bill he was fired, took a box of Bill’s belongings that were collected from his cube, and passed them to bill.

Bill socked Joe in the face and he fell to the ground. Security tried to intervene and Bill also punched him , took the box and throw it. He then proceeded to leave campus. He was arrested later that day.

There was a twitter and Facebook account created and it’s suspected to be made by Bill. I have no proof it was Bill however it’s suspicious. This twitter and facebook account started to respond to tweets and Facebook posts of our company and the school Joe’s wife teaches at with pornographic pictures of various sex acts with the face of Joe’s wife superimposed. I know this is a court letter and for the record, I’m not accusing Bill of this.

Not sure what will happen to Bill. The alleged assaults took place in November and I don’t think it’s gone to court yet. I have no idea if there is enough probable cause or evidence to go after Bill for the twitter and Facebook posts. I know a temporary restraining order was issued however it was not renewed by a judge- which tells me there isn’t good evidence.

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