
Employee Survey

First, I hear that they're unsure if there will be merit increases this year in January. Our annual reviews with increases happens in March. (Been with the company for 5 years at this point.) There was an email sent out that annual reviews will be held in April… Just today my workplace sends out an employee survey to please complete before 4/4. I won't be filling out any fucking survey until I know if I'm getting an increase or not. The timing of this is just feels downright manipulative…

First, I hear that they're unsure if there will be merit increases this year in January. Our annual reviews with increases happens in March. (Been with the company for 5 years at this point.) There was an email sent out that annual reviews will be held in April…

Just today my workplace sends out an employee survey to please complete before 4/4. I won't be filling out any fucking survey until I know if I'm getting an increase or not.

The timing of this is just feels downright manipulative…

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