
Employees Must Attend Christmas Party or Go Unpaid

I don’t know if this is the right sub for this but the more I think about it the more pissed I get and I need to get it off my chest. My work Christmas party always happens on a Friday afternoon a few weeks before Christmas. We shut down our plant and office for the afternoon and go to a local restaurant for lunch, and some door prizes. This usually lasts about 3 hours. All plant based no litres are paid for the hours they attend. We have a few plant employees who do not attend for religious reasons. Their supervisor refuses to pay them because, as they put it “it’s not a Christmas party, it’s just a holiday party”. Mind you, this is the same person who believes there is a war on Christmas and the ammunition being used is “happy holidays”, but I digress. I don’t care…

I don’t know if this is the right sub for this but the more I think about it the more pissed I get and I need to get it off my chest.

My work Christmas party always happens on a Friday afternoon a few weeks before Christmas. We shut down our plant and office for the afternoon and go to a local restaurant for lunch, and some door prizes. This usually lasts about 3 hours. All plant based no litres are paid for the hours they attend. We have a few plant employees who do not attend for religious reasons. Their supervisor refuses to pay them because, as they put it “it’s not a Christmas party, it’s just a holiday party”. Mind you, this is the same person who believes there is a war on Christmas and the ammunition being used is “happy holidays”, but I digress. I don’t care what the supervisor is calling it. For decor, there are Christmas trees, reindeer, candy canes, gifts wrapped in Christmas wrapping paper, etc.

Am I crazy, or is this fucked up? The supervisor doesn’t get to decided what is and isn’t against someone’s religion, and the people that can’t attend do deserve to be paid as well don’t they? They are not given the choice to continue working through this time.

*edit to say I’m in Canada and I’m not one of the employees that couldn’t attend

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