
Employees should be able to collectively vote to terminate executive leadership.

I am absolutely sick of working for companies that have clearly incompetent leaders. They hire employees en masse with grand promises of work/life balance, great pay, great benefits, and a supportive and development focused culture. Months into the role, you get a clear picture that employees are not happy. They're overworked, underpaid, and walked all over by management. Bonuses/raises don't exist because of whatever excuse that year, and corporate strategy/policies are just completely fucked to the point any front line employee can confidently predict the negative outcomes. Despite all this, nothing happens to the executive leadership and all of the company problems are blamed on “underperforming employees”, who are then let go for missing unattainable goals. Those that survive the culling complain about being overworked as the company is now short staffed, but management deflects with “no one wants to work anymore”. This trend needs to fucking stop. Front line…

I am absolutely sick of working for companies that have clearly incompetent leaders. They hire employees en masse with grand promises of work/life balance, great pay, great benefits, and a supportive and development focused culture. Months into the role, you get a clear picture that employees are not happy. They're overworked, underpaid, and walked all over by management. Bonuses/raises don't exist because of whatever excuse that year, and corporate strategy/policies are just completely fucked to the point any front line employee can confidently predict the negative outcomes. Despite all this, nothing happens to the executive leadership and all of the company problems are blamed on “underperforming employees”, who are then let go for missing unattainable goals. Those that survive the culling complain about being overworked as the company is now short staffed, but management deflects with “no one wants to work anymore”. This trend needs to fucking stop. Front line employees of companies are unequivocally more valuable than any “frat bro” MBA that got a free ride to an Ivy league from mommy and daddy thanks to their huge family trust fund built up over generations of fucking the little guys.

Employees need a system where they can enter grievances with executive leadership, and if enough complaints are received within a window of time then it triggers an anonymous company-wide vote. If a majority of employees enter a vote of no confidence against executive leadership, then the CEO must step down sans any golden parachute and allow the board to nominate and elect a replacement. I don't give a shit if the CEO was not directly responsible for the failures leading to said point. It is their job to oversee the department heads that devise strategy and report results. If they cannot oversee and manage those department heads to mitigate negative impacts on the employees as a whole, then they aren't fit to lead a company. There must be repercussions for not listening to employee feedback on what is or is not working.

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