
Employer dangling a promotion over my head

I interviewed for a new role in the company. I'm hired as “helpdesk” but now I'm responsible for a full launch of a new software suite that if it goes wrong, will tank a huge contract with a client. So I have to work full time over the weekend to get it running because they changed the deadline, and went from a test phase Monday to a full launch. Pretty sure I won't get the promotion no matter what I do. I'm just really angry I'm losing my weekend to this shit. And I have to run tutorial sessions for our employees Monday morning as well. Don't let them do this to you. If you're ever given work so far outside of the scope of your contract for the “chance” at a promotion, don't do it if you want your sanity. /Rant

I interviewed for a new role in the company. I'm hired as “helpdesk” but now I'm responsible for a full launch of a new software suite that if it goes wrong, will tank a huge contract with a client.

So I have to work full time over the weekend to get it running because they changed the deadline, and went from a test phase Monday to a full launch.

Pretty sure I won't get the promotion no matter what I do. I'm just really angry I'm losing my weekend to this shit. And I have to run tutorial sessions for our employees Monday morning as well.

Don't let them do this to you. If you're ever given work so far outside of the scope of your contract for the “chance” at a promotion, don't do it if you want your sanity.


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