
Employer has a year long commitment contract. Curious how I can get around it

Before I began employment with my company 2 months ago… I signed a contract that requires I reimburse them for training (7g) if I quit before a year is up. Does anybody have experience with the legality of this? Company has roughly 300 employees and is very large in our field. Just to be clear. I’m not set on quitting… however, life throws a lot of curveballs and I am interested in getting ahead of the curve here just in case. How can I get out without paying that 7g?

Before I began employment with my company 2 months ago… I signed a contract that requires I reimburse them for training (7g) if I quit before a year is up. Does anybody have experience with the legality of this? Company has roughly 300 employees and is very large in our field. Just to be clear. I’m not set on quitting… however, life throws a lot of curveballs and I am interested in getting ahead of the curve here just in case. How can I get out without paying that 7g?

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