
Employer hasn’t taken me off payroll and I’m now ineligible for unemployment after lay off – What to do?

I left my original employer after 3 years for a temp position that was more relevant for the degree that I'm going to school for. I left that job in February. I started my new position in March, but the this position only lasted few months because a large layoff followed quickly after I started. My last day was in the middle of May. I applied for unemployment after the layoff. I really don't like applying for financial assistance but I have a family and it seems like nobody can find a job, even with 100+ applications in. (Ask me how I know.) It is now July and I have finally got word back from the unemployment office. I am ineligible for benefits because apparently I didn't claim my active employer. The job that I left in February still hasn't taken me off of their payroll. I'm not getting paid,…

I left my original employer after 3 years for a temp position that was more relevant for the degree that I'm going to school for. I left that job in February. I started my new position in March, but the this position only lasted few months because a large layoff followed quickly after I started. My last day was in the middle of May. I applied for unemployment after the layoff. I really don't like applying for financial assistance but I have a family and it seems like nobody can find a job, even with 100+ applications in. (Ask me how I know.)

It is now July and I have finally got word back from the unemployment office. I am ineligible for benefits because apparently I didn't claim my active employer. The job that I left in February still hasn't taken me off of their payroll. I'm not getting paid, but I'm still in their system as an active employee.

I don't really know what to do from here.

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