
Employer manually edited my time card and removed almost 3.5 hours of time that I worked

Employer docked 3.5 hours from my time sheet without reason or notice I work an hourly job, I ended this last week with 39.80 hours but had clocked out 30min late on accident one day so I asked my manager to adjust the day to reflect the true hours. I went to check my time sheet today and it said 36.30 hours. Each day he edited my clock out to be 30-45 minutes before I had actually clocked out. I never took an un-paid 30 minute break and I worked all the hours that were on my time sheet yet he docked me for my breaks. Something he has never done in the past 6 months. Do I have a legal standing here? Should I confront my boss? I’m completely flabbergasted.

Employer docked 3.5 hours from my time sheet without reason or notice

I work an hourly job, I ended this last week with 39.80 hours but had clocked out 30min late on accident one day so I asked my manager to adjust the day to reflect the true hours.

I went to check my time sheet today and it said 36.30 hours. Each day he edited my clock out to be 30-45 minutes before I had actually clocked out.

I never took an un-paid 30 minute break and I worked all the hours that were on my time sheet yet he docked me for my breaks. Something he has never done in the past 6 months.

Do I have a legal standing here? Should I confront my boss? I’m completely flabbergasted.

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