
Employer overpaid me?

My employer was apparently over paying me for the past year. They where paying me my OT rate as my regular rate and not paying me overtime. I had a meeting with HR and they told me this and now their holding me responsible to payback the amount they overpiad me over the past year. I feel this was a mistake on their part and they should have to eat that. Are they legally allowed to make me pay back the money? And If I leave this job will I still be held responsible? Any feedback would be great as they’re deducting money from my check every week now which is making it very difficult for me to survive on what little amount I was already making

My employer was apparently over paying me for the past year. They where paying me my OT rate as my regular rate and not paying me overtime. I had a meeting with HR and they told me this and now their holding me responsible to payback the amount they overpiad me over the past year. I feel this was a mistake on their part and they should have to eat that. Are they legally allowed to make me pay back the money? And If I leave this job will I still be held responsible? Any feedback would be great as they’re deducting money from my check every week now which is making it very difficult for me to survive on what little amount I was already making

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