
Employer rescinded offer because they wanted to illegally hire me as an employee…. How do they get away with this?

First of all, I’m not too bitter about the situation because I’m always dubious about employers having good intent in the first place. However, I’m still disappointed in how so many businesses do this. I think there’s a statistic saying over 3 million employees in the U.S are misclassified as contractors. When I asked the employer why they were hiring me as a contractor even though the industry standard for the given position was employee work, they basically said “we don’t have the money right now so we’re hiring everyone as contractors until we can transition them to employees”. I see why from the business perspective why they would want to do this, but it feels so wrong that they are just using people.

First of all, I’m not too bitter about the situation because I’m always dubious about employers having good intent in the first place. However, I’m still disappointed in how so many businesses do this. I think there’s a statistic saying over 3 million employees in the U.S are misclassified as contractors.

When I asked the employer why they were hiring me as a contractor even though the industry standard for the given position was employee work, they basically said “we don’t have the money right now so we’re hiring everyone as contractors until we can transition them to employees”. I see why from the business perspective why they would want to do this, but it feels so wrong that they are just using people.

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