
Employer says I need ‘good excuse’ for not wanting a 6 day week.

Tittle says it all, I asked my employer about the possibility of not doing a full 6 day week and she came back saying ” uhmm if it was up to me I wouldn't allow for that just because you don't want it. We need people to work as it is and I have a permanent staff leaving this month “. In my mine I was thinking uhm, sorry to hear that, but incase u haven't noticed, thats not my fucking problem and u can't give lesser fucks. Like seriously, zero fucks is 100 times more fucks I give about the staff shortage. Do I as an employee, a part timer, get to dictate the hours I work? I could ask for a one day week if I wanted to because I AM a part timer right? I get paid by the hour, so the amount of hours I work…

Tittle says it all, I asked my employer about the possibility of not doing a full 6 day week and she came back saying ” uhmm if it was up to me I wouldn't allow for that just because you don't want it. We need people to work as it is and I have a permanent staff leaving this month “. In my mine I was thinking uhm, sorry to hear that, but incase u haven't noticed, thats not my fucking problem and u can't give lesser fucks. Like seriously, zero fucks is 100 times more fucks I give about the staff shortage. Do I as an employee, a part timer, get to dictate the hours I work? I could ask for a one day week if I wanted to because I AM a part timer right? I get paid by the hour, so the amount of hours I work will dictate the amount of hours I get paid. If I'm fine with getting paid less, can the employer say “no, we will give u a full time schedule”

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