
Employer says my last paycheck will be minimum wage since I did not give a two week notice.

I work at a preschool making $13/hr, paid every other week. On Friday, I gave my boss notice that the following Friday (the 26th) would be my last day, making it a one week notice rather than the expected two. My boss informed me that because of that, I would only be paid minimum wage on my last paycheck, which will be on the 26th. Since I was in the middle of a pay cycle, that would mean that even if I had just decided to quit on the spot, I still would've received only $7.25/hr for the week I'd already worked, under the impression that I'd be receiving $13/hr. Assuming I work next week, that means my paycheck for two weeks of work will be only $507 instead of $910. Is this wage theft? Is there any way to get my full pay? Edit: Location is Georgia, USA

 I work at a preschool making $13/hr, paid every other week. On Friday, I gave my boss notice that the following Friday (the 26th) would be my last day, making it a one week notice rather than the expected two. 

 My boss informed me that because of that, I would only be paid minimum wage on my last paycheck, which will be on the 26th. Since I was in the middle of a pay cycle, that would mean that even if I had just decided to quit on the spot, I still would've received only $7.25/hr for the week I'd already worked, under the impression that I'd be receiving $13/hr. 

 Assuming I work next week, that means my paycheck for two weeks of work will be only $507 instead of $910. 

 Is this wage theft? Is there any way to get my full pay?

 Edit: Location is Georgia, USA

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