
Employer starting to rescind WFH. My role is 100% remote friendly. Absolutely ridiculous.

Days per week we're allowed to WFH got reduced by 1, with new company wide policy that we can't WFH for “personal matters such as appointments, or childcare” and said that “WFH is a privilege not a right.” These people are so tone deaf talking to us like we're children. Basically no one is even following the new policies cause they're just so ridiculous, and my manager isn't enforcing it. Why would anyone ever commute to an appointment and then commute back when they can just WFH???? Idiotic. My role comprises of 'zoom' meetings and performing work on a computer. Literally no logical reason I need to be in person to perform the duties. My team has every generation from gen z to boomers, and a handful of boomers are the only ones happy about the change. So sick of companies treating us like cattle. Some big exec just gets…

Days per week we're allowed to WFH got reduced by 1, with new company wide policy that we can't WFH for “personal matters such as appointments, or childcare” and said that “WFH is a privilege not a right.” These people are so tone deaf talking to us like we're children. Basically no one is even following the new policies cause they're just so ridiculous, and my manager isn't enforcing it. Why would anyone ever commute to an appointment and then commute back when they can just WFH???? Idiotic.

My role comprises of 'zoom' meetings and performing work on a computer. Literally no logical reason I need to be in person to perform the duties. My team has every generation from gen z to boomers, and a handful of boomers are the only ones happy about the change.

So sick of companies treating us like cattle. Some big exec just gets to disrupt thousands of lives just because he says so.

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