
Employer trying to charge employees for damage caused by their equipment

Long story short, I work as a night manager for a small/medium sized league center in Michigan. My boss is trying to enact a rule wherein the pit employees would be charged replacement/repair costs for damaged bowling balls caused by poor maintenance of the pinstters (for the record it is not the job of the night time pit staff to fix/maintain the machines, we have a day mechanic who is supposed to do this), is this legal?

Long story short, I work as a night manager for a small/medium sized league center in Michigan. My boss is trying to enact a rule wherein the pit employees would be charged replacement/repair costs for damaged bowling balls caused by poor maintenance of the pinstters (for the record it is not the job of the night time pit staff to fix/maintain the machines, we have a day mechanic who is supposed to do this), is this legal?

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