
Employer wants to move me from Full-time to Part-time.

I work for a certain company that delivers food. It's not a tipped position and I make decent money doing something that I enjoy. I've been employed by this company for about 1 year and get along pretty well with everyone. On average I work between 30-35hrs a week, The routes we drive are all similar in both length and workload. I'm pretty good at my particular route and frequently finish earlier than the other drivers. Today I got called in to talk to my supervisor who then told me that I don't work enough hours to be considered full-time and if I didn't fix it I would be moved to part-time. This means I would receive a lower hourly rate, limited benefits and no longer accrue PTO. For doing the same job as all the other drivers, just more efficiently. I like this job but I'm incredibly frustrated so…

I work for a certain company that delivers food. It's not a tipped position and I make decent money doing something that I enjoy.

I've been employed by this company for about 1 year and get along pretty well with everyone.

On average I work between 30-35hrs a week, The routes we drive are all similar in both length and workload. I'm pretty good at my particular route and frequently finish earlier than the other drivers.

Today I got called in to talk to my supervisor who then told me that I don't work enough hours to be considered full-time and if I didn't fix it I would be moved to part-time.

This means I would receive a lower hourly rate, limited benefits and no longer accrue PTO. For doing the same job as all the other drivers, just more efficiently.

I like this job but I'm incredibly frustrated so any advice or thoughts would be helpful.


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