
lackluster attitude,how can I overcome it .

I'm writing this to get some advice on how to better blend in with my coworkers. I just started a new job in a bubbly ,face paced industry as my career path for the next 30 years . It's an exciting industry but I had to make a lot of sacrifices to get here , things that I never would have done but also had I not … I wouldn't be where I am today . This job is great and it's helping me learn to take things one day at a time , however I'm not use to feeling comfortable and excited. I had a hard childhood and upbringing, I'm barely 30 now … Adjusting to life has been difficult. I have so many things to be grateful for but I'm not yet out of the woods as far as my past is concerned. Also I've started a new…

I'm writing this to get some advice on how to better blend in with my coworkers.

I just started a new job in a bubbly ,face paced industry as my career path for the next 30 years .

It's an exciting industry but I had to make a lot of sacrifices to get here , things that I never would have done but also had I not … I wouldn't be where I am today .

This job is great and it's helping me learn to take things one day at a time , however I'm not use to feeling comfortable and excited.

I had a hard childhood and upbringing, I'm barely 30 now … Adjusting to life has been difficult.

I have so many things to be grateful for but I'm not yet out of the woods as far as my past is concerned.

Also I've started a new life with my romantic partner while I'm still figuring everything out .

People always comment on how shy and quiet I seem .
They equate it to having a lack of confidence, which isn't the case necessarily but that's how people see it.

It takes me time to know that I'm making the right choices and that my life is finally on a path that I can feel excited about.

What can I do to maintain my professional standing and respect from my coworkers without having to adopt a persona that isn't “me” …

Or am I just not yet who I was meant to be ?

The things I experienced were harsh and cruel and devastating but I'm still here and trying my best .

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