
Employers Have A Responsibility Whether They Like it Or Not

We agree that as at-will we can quit whenever we like for any and no reason But as an employer, I honestly feel like there should be a law that they need to give us 2 weeks to a month's notice if they want to terminate us, or we get immediate access to unemployment or severance. We work to pay for our home, family, and livelihood. Because our basic rights require hella money. It's crazy someone can fire people let alone “lay off” thousands in one swoop without warning. It's essentially kicking them out of their home. Laid off/terminated workers no longer have stable income. How do you expect them to eat? Make sure they have shelter next month? Fuck your company and “urgent need to replace” the departing employee of you're not considered their survival Yeah there's exceptions but generally. Real talk. We all need money. It's not that…

We agree that as at-will we can quit whenever we like for any and no reason

But as an employer, I honestly feel like there should be a law that they need to give us 2 weeks to a month's notice if they want to terminate us, or we get immediate access to unemployment or severance.

We work to pay for our home, family, and livelihood. Because our basic rights require hella money. It's crazy someone can fire people let alone “lay off” thousands in one swoop without warning. It's essentially kicking them out of their home.

Laid off/terminated workers no longer have stable income. How do you expect them to eat? Make sure they have shelter next month? Fuck your company and “urgent need to replace” the departing employee of you're not considered their survival

Yeah there's exceptions but generally. Real talk. We all need money. It's not that hard

No money for long enough means homelessness and death. It's not a joke.

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