

My current work HR department is implementing a new point system starting Monday the 27 and it feels like they're trying to get a bunch of people fired. The point system is as follows: 9 points is termination 1 point for calling out and not using 10 or more hours of our sick time/PTO balances. 0.5 point for calling out and using any balance less than at least 10 0.5 for leaving early 0.5 point for clocking in more than 5 mins. late 1 point for working on days we weren't originally scheduled (taking extra shifts) The points come off your record 90 days from the day it was given. (Ex. If you get 1 point Jan. 1, it will come off April 1) Sounds decent on paper, but my issue is that we only get 6 hours of PTO a month and 40 hours of sick time per year,…

My current work HR department is implementing a new point system starting Monday the 27 and it feels like they're trying to get a bunch of people fired. The point system is as follows:

  • 9 points is termination
  • 1 point for calling out and not using 10 or more hours of our sick time/PTO balances.
    0.5 point for calling out and using any balance less than at least 10
    0.5 for leaving early
    0.5 point for clocking in more than 5 mins. late
    1 point for working on days we weren't originally scheduled (taking extra shifts)

The points come off your record 90 days from the day it was given. (Ex. If you get 1 point Jan. 1, it will come off April 1)

Sounds decent on paper, but my issue is that we only get 6 hours of PTO a month and 40 hours of sick time per year, and several of my co-workers have already used all of it as of now.
This means that to call out for one day and have it be excused, we must work a minimum of 6 weeks. If you do the math, we get around 14 days of excused abscences a year. So, it's seeming like a lot of my coworkers (if not, myself) will get unfairly terminated from racking up points for taking days off and not being able to use a minimum of 10 hours sick time/PTO because we aren't given enough to warrant this policy.

Also as of the day this policy goes into effect, HR is no longer accepting doctors notes or other forms of documentation to excuse long-term absences. (Ex. Death certificate if you have to take a week of because a family member died/hospital records if your kid has a surgery and you
must take time off for thier recovery etc.)

So, we are not allowed to take ANY time off without some sort of discipline, as we are not given enough time off balances to excuse us, and HR will not take written documentation.
I was wondering if this could be considered entrapment? Or if this was some sort of OSHA or work place related violation?

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