
European vs. Us and fucking a

Ok i tried to write about this under the headline but i fucked up. Noob with reddit, sry. Been following this sub for a while and i understand that this place is about American shitty jobs. But let me give u americans some perspective how fucked u are. Im sry for u guys, rly am. My gf/wife whatever, has been workin for this company for years. They get the full thing : 24 days of summer vacation : 6 days of winter vacation : they can stay off work for 1 day if they dont feel well, by their own announcment. No question asked. (Paid leave) : unlimited sickleave : if pregnant, 1 year paid : after 8h of workin, they get 50% more pay, after 10h they get 100% (if u make 10$/h after 10h u make 20$/h) And we get tax deduction from km(mails) we drive to work.…

Ok i tried to write about this under the headline but i fucked up. Noob with reddit, sry.

Been following this sub for a while and i understand that this place is about American shitty jobs.

But let me give u americans some perspective how fucked u are.
Im sry for u guys, rly am.

My gf/wife whatever, has been workin for this company for years.
They get the full thing
: 24 days of summer vacation
: 6 days of winter vacation
: they can stay off work for 1 day if they dont feel well, by their own announcment. No question asked. (Paid leave)
: unlimited sickleave
: if pregnant, 1 year paid
: after 8h of workin, they get 50% more pay, after 10h they get 100% (if u make 10$/h after 10h u make 20$/h)
And we get tax deduction from km(mails) we drive to work.

And! Now i made her to go for something better! U dont believe it but u have to.

On top of what i wrote before.
Now she gets 2,5h of paid leave every 2 weeks that will build up.. i have like 50h in atm.
U can use em as u like, as long its on with boss, or Cash them in.
She will get 400e/year “culture/ecxercise” money she can spend as she likes.
Like going to festivals or buying a gym card.

And! This is a small town company.

U guys are getting fucked right and left.
Off topic: why dont u vote for Bernie, he seems like a good bloke.
And if this is socialism, which u all hate,vit doesnt feel that bad for me.

Edit: lots of auto correct corrections

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