
Even retired people get the short straw

Bit of backstory, I (42M) worked graveyards at a gas station whilst putting myself through uni back in the early 2000's. I graduated, married the love of my life (44M) and went on to bigger things. Luckily I was able to semi-retire a few years ago thanks to my education. My beloved recommended I go back to work 10-15hrs a week to keep the brain active, which is where this story begins. I live in rural Queensland and the local gas station was looking for Console Operators, which should be easy enough for me. When the owners found out my previous experience in this industry and had a role was available for 16hrs/week, they hired me on the spot. For several months, it was great, I worked my 2 days a week (2 x 8hr shifts) and had 5 days off a week that I could focus on other concerns.…

Bit of backstory, I (42M) worked graveyards at a gas station whilst putting myself through uni back in the early 2000's. I graduated, married the love of my life (44M) and went on to bigger things. Luckily I was able to semi-retire a few years ago thanks to my education. My beloved recommended I go back to work 10-15hrs a week to keep the brain active, which is where this story begins.

I live in rural Queensland and the local gas station was looking for Console Operators, which should be easy enough for me. When the owners found out my previous experience in this industry and had a role was available for 16hrs/week, they hired me on the spot. For several months, it was great, I worked my 2 days a week (2 x 8hr shifts) and had 5 days off a week that I could focus on other concerns. A staff member left and HR asked me if I could cover their shifts until they hired someone, which never happened, thus now i'm doing 24hrs/week and is eating into my other hobbies. Next thing I know I'm being asked if I can now do 4 days a week, but a roster that is effectively day on then day off, which I say I can, but my partner is making noises and wants me to reduce my hours to 16hrs/week again. HR apologise and promise to look into it.

About 4 weeks ago, they schedules me for a 4 day weekend, my partner thought it was great and we looked into going away for few days. HR called every day to see if I was available as they were having staffing issues. My partner finally cracked and called HR and stated he wasn't happy and that is wasn't my responsibility to cover all shifts. If I had worked every call they made, I would've worked 7 days in a row, so I can understand my partners concern.

All was going well, at least until HR received a complaint from who I believe to be the Site Supervisor, stating I had been sexually harassing him. The only thing I can recall saying that might of upset him was Rupaul's famous line “You're Not Werking It!” as he left the store to go home, which in the eyes of a family owned business in a rural town might have been too much. HR contact me stating they've stood me down without pay pending investigation with will include review of CCTV footage. This from the same HR that stated they love my work ethic, my 24/7 availability, along with the skillset I bring to the business. My response was to terminate myself as the position was a casual role, so I could've walked at any time and I’d rather not work with snowflakes who use their employment as a form of safe space.

Even if you are retired and able to offer any business full availability, along with being ready to cover a shift with 1 hours notice, a selfish/sheltered supervisor (who knows full well I've done his role) gets all bent out of shape over a single fabulous comment. I've gone back to being retired and am taking at least 6months off whilst I try to stop laughing at this whole situation!

TLDR: Even if you're retired and can offer the business everything they need, they'll find a reason to get rid of you to keep the miserable renters/mortgagees employeed.

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