
Every single person I know is miserable getting up and going to work every day, why do we keep doing this to ourselves?

My 9-5 is killing me, every day is the same. I hear everyone complain constantly that they are unhappy with the way the system is set up but we all just keep participating in it. How long can this continue? We’ve removed all the beauty and joy from the human experience and now all we do is work until we die so that we can afford basic necessities. Our only value in society comes from how productive we are. The American dream is dead and yet we’re all just expected to keep going at it?

My 9-5 is killing me, every day is the same. I hear everyone complain constantly that they are unhappy with the way the system is set up but we all just keep participating in it. How long can this continue? We’ve removed all the beauty and joy from the human experience and now all we do is work until we die so that we can afford basic necessities. Our only value in society comes from how productive we are. The American dream is dead and yet we’re all just expected to keep going at it?

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