
Every time someone brings up widespread devaluation of labor, someone responds “there are high paying jobs!”

And they mean IT people, financiers, engineers, and specific, highly specialized trades – because these are the high paying jobs we have. As if we don't need any other fucking people for a functioning society. Teachers, nurses, receptionists, daycare workers, therapists, mechanics, janitors, medical, dental and surgical assistants, social workers, line cooks and chefs, waitresses and baristas, store managers, assistant professors, drivers, journalists, civil servants? Fuck them. We clearly don't need them. We just need IT guys, underwater welders, and property investors. Anyone else who pursues literally anything else? Fucking idiots. You heard it here first, folks.

And they mean IT people, financiers, engineers, and specific, highly specialized trades – because these are the high paying jobs we have.

As if we don't need any other fucking people for a functioning society. Teachers, nurses, receptionists, daycare workers, therapists, mechanics, janitors, medical, dental and surgical assistants, social workers, line cooks and chefs, waitresses and baristas, store managers, assistant professors, drivers, journalists, civil servants?

Fuck them. We clearly don't need them.

We just need IT guys, underwater welders, and property investors. Anyone else who pursues literally anything else? Fucking idiots.

You heard it here first, folks.

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