
Everybody’s got ADHD nowadays

i hear this a lot, “in my days we didnt diagnose everybody as soon as they …” and i kinda want to agree. but not completely. I have worked as an electritian and now i am a teacher at the trade's school (in norway (europe)). we have a lot of diagnosed kids there, some of my friends get the diagnose and in my country a lot of people fear the epedemic that has risen the last few years. sometimes i sit in class and i think back, 18 years to be exact, the time i went to the same school myself. A lot has changed. mostly for the better, but all in all, the times have changed.. a LOT. to keep it short, they have to know their way around a PC, get along with their classmates, get along with their teachers, keep up with SoMe, learn “the old way”…

i hear this a lot, “in my days we didnt diagnose everybody as soon as they …”

and i kinda want to agree. but not completely.

I have worked as an electritian and now i am a teacher at the trade's school (in norway (europe)). we have a lot of diagnosed kids there, some of my friends get the diagnose and in my country a lot of people fear the epedemic that has risen the last few years.

sometimes i sit in class and i think back, 18 years to be exact, the time i went to the same school myself. A lot has changed. mostly for the better, but all in all, the times have changed.. a LOT.

to keep it short, they have to know their way around a PC, get along with their classmates, get along with their teachers, keep up with SoMe, learn “the old way” and “the new”.

the same goes for when applying for a job.

jobs used to be listed as:

-Carpenter needed 100%

-shopkeeper needed 50%

-this and that needed

today listing goes like this:

-are you the best salesman in town? and excell at SoMe, excell, customer service and care? 10% posittion available at ………

-Are you looking for the opportunity of a lifetime? we seek the best carpenter south of the north pole who also handles this and that system for logging hours and keeping up with projects.

“normal jobs” dont exist anymore. normal students dont exist. everybody must be special, everybody should have 2k+ followers on IG, Twitter, tiktok ++ everybody must be the best and the brightest and if you are that one in a thousand you get the oportunity to work you ass off for next to nothing believing that one day you will be fairly compensated for your effort.

but ofcourse, when that day comes you have fallen behind. Stuck in some shitty job at some shop, grinding daily tasks, learning nothing new. then someone new and fresh will get their chanse to prove themselves, for shit pay ofcourse, in the hope that they wil keep up.

in this society we have made it will be crystal clear of anybody stands out and if you want any help at all you fist need your diagnosis or else, get the fuck in line and suck it up like everyone else. and regarding my students with ADHD, i knew from the first day, the ones who have a diagnosis and the ones who should get one.

they stand out like a grenade in a glass house. not nessecearily hyper active but when you have 15-30 kids in a room you can tell who has a brain that fires impulses like a minigun.

not only job related but i suspect the job marked has a lot to do with this. The constant focus on efficiency and squeezing every last drop from every employee forces out some hard truths.

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