

Hey guys. So, I need some perspective here. I started a new job on July 25th of this year. It's at a rehab facility and they seemed to have their shit together. Now, a little background. I've been working in this field for about a year and a half (I'm also in recovery ) I worked at a rehab facility in May of 2021 and was laid off in April of 2022. The work comes relatively easily for me and it doesn't overwhelm me in the slightest. I started this job, and some of the policies seemed reasonable and as I worked more shifts a lot seemed unreasonable. I need this job because if I don't work, I don't eat, don't have a roof over my head, etc (typical capitalistic bullshit, ya feel?) Well, this job hired 6 new recovery support staff. They were all trained and everything seemed to…

Hey guys. So, I need some perspective here. I started a new job on July 25th of this year. It's at a rehab facility and they seemed to have their shit together.

Now, a little background. I've been working in this field for about a year and a half (I'm also in recovery ) I worked at a rehab facility in May of 2021 and was laid off in April of 2022. The work comes relatively easily for me and it doesn't overwhelm me in the slightest.

I started this job, and some of the policies seemed reasonable and as I worked more shifts a lot seemed unreasonable. I need this job because if I don't work, I don't eat, don't have a roof over my head, etc (typical capitalistic bullshit, ya feel?)

Well, this job hired 6 new recovery support staff. They were all trained and everything seemed to be going well. Then one by one, they all left (fired or quit, don't really know). The person that hired me left a month later and the nurse at my job that's been there for years also left. Today alone, my manager pumped out 3 emails stating that 3 people are no longer employed there. One person from the mass hire is left.

Do you guys have any advice? Should I start looking for a new job just to be safe? I don't know if these people were let go or were fired. I've been spoken to several times regarding arbitrary shit that was out of my control. They NEED me so that's why I feel my head isn't on the chopping block next. What would you guys do in this situation? Thanks!

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