
Everyone at work is so nosey!

Me and a fellow coworker have been being scheduled together a lot more lately. We have started to compare stories and begin to realize everyone there asks a lot of personal questions that could be taken offensively. From getting government assistance to asking if I “check out other women?”. I’m a lesbian and happily married going on 5 years now. We have come to the conclusion that we’re just going to extravagantly lie to all of our coworkers about our lives and it’s been pretty fun. Well, tonight I called in for the night. Supervisors aren’t supposed to ask why but I know that mine will when I get to work tmrw night. Im asking for your help! When she asks what should my next big lie be! Please keep it PC nothing about family, medical emergencies, deaths, etc.

Me and a fellow coworker have been being scheduled together a lot more lately. We have started to compare stories and begin to realize everyone there asks a lot of personal questions that could be taken offensively. From getting government assistance to asking if I “check out other women?”. I’m a lesbian and happily married going on 5 years now.

We have come to the conclusion that we’re just going to extravagantly lie to all of our coworkers about our lives and it’s been pretty fun.

Well, tonight I called in for the night. Supervisors aren’t supposed to ask why but I know that mine will when I get to work tmrw night.

Im asking for your help! When she asks what should my next big lie be! Please keep it PC nothing about family, medical emergencies, deaths, etc.

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