
Everyone but me received Christmas bonus.

I just got over COVID about 3 days ago after having it for a week, and there was a Christmas party my work held that they changed from mandatory to optional. I told them I wasn't going to go because I still have symptoms from COVID and don't want to get anyone sick and the upper management kept trying to pressure me into going . I told them I won't go I don't want to get everyone sick or be coughing and blowing my nose next to people eating. So I didn't go and they gave everyone a nice Christmas bonus except for me since I didn't go to the Christmas party.

I just got over COVID about 3 days ago after having it for a week, and there was a Christmas party my work held that they changed from mandatory to optional. I told them I wasn't going to go because I still have symptoms from COVID and don't want to get anyone sick and the upper management kept trying to pressure me into going . I told them I won't go I don't want to get everyone sick or be coughing and blowing my nose next to people eating. So I didn't go and they gave everyone a nice Christmas bonus except for me since I didn't go to the Christmas party.

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