
Everyone is leaving my company

[RAMBLE] I’ve had a PR job for over two months now and what used to be six people (including me) on our staff when I joined, is now three people (including me). Those who trained me and were of massive help to me have left and i’m barely hanging on now. We had to pick up the massive workload left behind. Can’t say I blame em for leaving. I’d love to be them. The management sucks and my CEO’s expectations are completely unrealistic. We do an insane amount of work for various clients and my boss still expects more. My colleagues and I have all agreed, the workload is ridiculous. There’s never enough time or enough staff to do it all, and we end up being the ones berated. This job has such a high turnover rate. Either hire more staff or stop taking on new clients or be realistic.…

[RAMBLE] I’ve had a PR job for over two months now and what used to be six people (including me) on our staff when I joined, is now three people (including me). Those who trained me and were of massive help to me have left and i’m barely hanging on now. We had to pick up the massive workload left behind. Can’t say I blame em for leaving. I’d love to be them. The management sucks and my CEO’s expectations are completely unrealistic. We do an insane amount of work for various clients and my boss still expects more. My colleagues and I have all agreed, the workload is ridiculous. There’s never enough time or enough staff to do it all, and we end up being the ones berated. This job has such a high turnover rate. Either hire more staff or stop taking on new clients or be realistic. Also today I decided to read Glassdoor reviews of the company and was amused how it had mostly negative reviews and they were all due to the CEO being incredibly toxic, going back eight years. He’s never changed. I’m hoping to maybe get two more months out of this job just so I have more agency work on my resume but I’m not even sure I’ll last till then. It hasn’t been good for my anxiety.

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