
Everyone knows my coworker is a problem but they’re still around??

So I started a new job and it’s the first time I’ve had to deal with an…unpleasant coworker. They’ve been in my office longer than I’ve been alive and are in a senior public facing position. They’ve been rubbing me the wrong way for months and I’ve been hard on myself because I thought I was just being too sensitive. Well, turns out, they’ve been investigated by HR several times for creating a hostile work environment. They obviously haven’t been fired for it and I feel like I’m the newest target. Obviously I’m the low man on the totem pole and I don’t want to cause any problems, but what the hell do I do? It’s all been relatively minor passive aggressive behaviors that I don’t feel like I could complain about but now that I know it’s a pattern it feels obvious they’re trying to make my life difficult.…

So I started a new job and it’s the first time I’ve had to deal with an…unpleasant coworker. They’ve been in my office longer than I’ve been alive and are in a senior public facing position. They’ve been rubbing me the wrong way for months and I’ve been hard on myself because I thought I was just being too sensitive. Well, turns out, they’ve been investigated by HR several times for creating a hostile work environment. They obviously haven’t been fired for it and I feel like I’m the newest target. Obviously I’m the low man on the totem pole and I don’t want to cause any problems, but what the hell do I do? It’s all been relatively minor passive aggressive behaviors that I don’t feel like I could complain about but now that I know it’s a pattern it feels obvious they’re trying to make my life difficult. I really like the job – except when I have to interact with them. It’s apparently an open secret everyone hates them and people have threatened to (and probably did) quit over it.

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