
Everyone with Twitter, ask Mark Cuban to add Mifepristone to the CostPlusDrugs website.

Hey folks, this is a long shot, but it might be worth it. If you're not familiar with Mifepristone, it's a medication (pill) used to terminate early pregnancies (first 10 weeks). States cannot ban it due to it being approved by the FDA (also why SCOTUS is going after contraceptives next…) I didn't see it available when I searched CostPlusDrugs, but with some pressure we might be able to change that.

Hey folks, this is a long shot, but it might be worth it.

If you're not familiar with Mifepristone, it's a medication (pill) used to terminate early pregnancies (first 10 weeks). States cannot ban it due to it being approved by the FDA (also why SCOTUS is going after contraceptives next…)

I didn't see it available when I searched CostPlusDrugs, but with some pressure we might be able to change that.

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