
Ex-colleague called me a dog, manager transferred him out but is still managing him

Long story short, I work in a healthcare setting where we have to do shift handovers. The day before, I went over to my manager to talk about a colleague’s lack of professional attitude. He did not do the changes that was meant for the day, which happens all the time in healthcare, but the way he worded across to me was very sarcastic. “Night shift didn’t do it, I’m not gonna do it. You can do it.” A patient fell during his time but instead of assisting us with another patient who was on the verge of climbing out of bed, he went all the way to another cubicle to write a risk report for the patient’s fall. The next day, he was not happy during our handover to me (I was the oncoming shift) and shouted across “WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM, WHY DID YOU HAVE TO TELL ABOUT…

Long story short, I work in a healthcare setting where we have to do shift handovers. The day before, I went over to my manager to talk about a colleague’s lack of professional attitude. He did not do the changes that was meant for the day, which happens all the time in healthcare, but the way he worded across to me was very sarcastic. “Night shift didn’t do it, I’m not gonna do it. You can do it.”

A patient fell during his time but instead of assisting us with another patient who was on the verge of climbing out of bed, he went all the way to another cubicle to write a risk report for the patient’s fall.

The next day, he was not happy during our handover to me (I was the oncoming shift) and shouted across “WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM, WHY DID YOU HAVE TO TELL ABOUT ME TO OUR MANAGER?” Proceeded on to tell me that he hated me so much and that “I was a fucking dog.” I retaliated, and told him to “stop cursing me mf”

I then proceeded to report him to HR for being verbally abusive, and it resulted a 4 month long battle of going back and forth to HR, and managers having to separate us into different work teams/shifts.

Finally, 2 days ago, HR got back to me and said the both of us are already posted in separate wards. I had to sign a record of warning because I admitted to cursing him out, and HR told me “senior management has made a decision to bring the both of you out despite the fact that you guys are competent workers”. Both of us were recently promoted. Me in May and him in October.

I had a long talk with my manager and she gave me a pep talk about how managers used to be like us too, they’d run into problems but they learn from their mistakes and become better. She was vague about the transfer outcomes but told me “one of us will be unhappy with how she decided the outcome”. Turns out I’m pushed away to another new ward with new management, while the guy who verbally abused me is still under the same management. Got me thinking that the verbal abuse he did did not matter to them at all.

They promised me I would be able to advance my study in 8 months time, because my application was successful, and that management are supportive. However, they still need to ensure my working environment is safe and that I start on a new clean slate because of the past history the both of us shared (we were both rly good friends until he started using my weaknesses against me). How do I feel less slighted about this incident and what should I do if my application for study gets rejected and the work environment is somehow more toxic?

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