
Ex employer paid me minimum wage since I didn’t complete my two week notice

Worked at this place for 6 months; during that time one girl quit because of bullying, and I found at least 3 crying from bullying (all from the manager). While there, the manager bullied and condescendingly talked to the entire staff. One of the doctors had to talk to her about her tone. Heard a lot of “oh, when did they make you manager?”, “how about you use your common sense and tell me what that tells you”, “you really are too stupid to figure it out” comments like this to simple questions. Put in my two weeks, one week into it she began to isolate me from the rest of the staff as well as attempting to bully and talk condescendingly to me. So I quit one week into my two week notice. Get my check and instead of getting $1300 for 69 hours, I got $450 due to…

Worked at this place for 6 months; during that time one girl quit because of bullying, and I found at least 3 crying from bullying (all from the manager). While there, the manager bullied and condescendingly talked to the entire staff. One of the doctors had to talk to her about her tone. Heard a lot of “oh, when did they make you manager?”, “how about you use your common sense and tell me what that tells you”, “you really are too stupid to figure it out” comments like this to simple questions. Put in my two weeks, one week into it she began to isolate me from the rest of the staff as well as attempting to bully and talk condescendingly to me. So I quit one week into my two week notice. Get my check and instead of getting $1300 for 69 hours, I got $450 due to them cutting my wages back to minimum wage since I didn’t complete my two weeks. I’ve read on Texas Workforce Commission but still don’t have a clear answer as to if this is legal? Was I supposed to stick around and allow the harassing to continue in order for me to get paid correctly?

We DID sign an employee handbook when we got hired, which states “ If an employee leaves
without giving 2-weeks' notice, his or her final paycheck will be paid at minimum wage for
hours worked during the pay period”.

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