
Excerpt Ch. 5 Grapes of Wrath

“The bank is something more than men, I tell you. It's the monster. Men made it, but they can't control it.The tenants cried, Grampa killed Indians, Pa killed snakes for the land. Maybe we can kill banks-they're worse than Indians and snakes. Maybe we got to fight to keep our land, like Pa and Grampa did.And now the owner men grew angry. You'll have to go.But it's ours, the tenant men cried. We— No. The bank, the monster owns it. You'll have to go. We'll get our guns, like Grampa when the Indians came. What then? Well-first the sheriff, and then the troops. You'll be stealing if you try to stay, you'll be murderers if you kill to stay. The monster isn't men, but it can make men do what it wants.” John Steinbeck Crazy how much this chapter rings true even today.

“The bank is something more than men, I tell you. It's the monster. Men made it, but they can't control it.The tenants cried, Grampa killed Indians, Pa killed snakes for the land. Maybe we can kill banks-they're worse than Indians and snakes. Maybe we got to fight to keep our land, like Pa and Grampa did.And now the owner men grew angry. You'll have to go.But it's ours, the tenant men cried. We—
No. The bank, the monster owns it. You'll have to go.
We'll get our guns, like Grampa when the Indians came. What then?
Well-first the sheriff, and then the troops. You'll be stealing if you try to stay, you'll be murderers if you kill to stay. The monster isn't men, but it can make men do what it wants.”
John Steinbeck

Crazy how much this chapter rings true even today.

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