
Expectations at Work

Co-worker next to me is the poster child for the Boomer – antimillennial ideal of a shit employee. He spends the first and last two hours at work doing nothing, has door dash deliver food everyday, and just doesn't even understand the job. Had a serious conversation with my boss about the expectations of the job. What standards we are both held up to. And let her know that if I'm not compensated when raise time comes (soon) I will be leaving. I will not let my hard work be taken advantage of, even by my fellow drones.

Co-worker next to me is the poster child for the Boomer – antimillennial ideal of a shit employee. He spends the first and last two hours at work doing nothing, has door dash deliver food everyday, and just doesn't even understand the job.

Had a serious conversation with my boss about the expectations of the job. What standards we are both held up to. And let her know that if I'm not compensated when raise time comes (soon) I will be leaving.

I will not let my hard work be taken advantage of, even by my fellow drones.

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