

My kids sports boosters have been doing a fund raiser and my wife is participating. The parents are working at these food courts for a contractor company owned by some guy named Ara Mark. . They don’t get paid but the company donates to the boosters $100 per shift. The shifts are 8-12 hours. 1. I feel this isn’t enough $/hr to be worth it. 2. Are they using these volunteers and donations to avoid paying taxes? 3. Is this even legal?

My kids sports boosters have been doing a fund raiser and my wife is participating. The parents are working at these food courts for a contractor company owned by some guy named Ara Mark. .
They don’t get paid but the company donates to the boosters $100 per shift. The shifts are 8-12 hours.
1. I feel this isn’t enough $/hr to be worth it.
2. Are they using these volunteers and donations to avoid paying taxes?
3. Is this even legal?

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