
Exposing P-MED, The Anti-Union Conference They Don’t Want You Even Knowing Exists

It’s actually PMED not P-MED. This is one of the most disgusting things I have ever heard about how companies stop unionizing. It is called PMED. They don’t want people knowing about this conference, which is exactly why I am revealing it to the masses now. Fuck them. I was talking with my father the other day about unions, and he told me a story about a conference he went to in Buffalo NY called PMED for his old company. The first rule of PMED is don’t talk about what happens in PMED. I am not joking. They actually say that. Here is how he explained it. He is a manager at his company, and managers from tons of companies like Honda and Canadian Tire for example all sit down in a ballroom and listen to some suit talk about manager shit for a bit. Then out of nowhere, someone…

It’s actually PMED not P-MED.

This is one of the most disgusting things I have ever heard about how companies stop unionizing. It is called PMED. They don’t want people knowing about this conference, which is exactly why I am revealing it to the masses now. Fuck them.

I was talking with my father the other day about unions, and he told me a story about a conference he went to in Buffalo NY called PMED for his old company. The first rule of PMED is don’t talk about what happens in PMED. I am not joking. They actually say that.

Here is how he explained it. He is a manager at his company, and managers from tons of companies like Honda and Canadian Tire for example all sit down in a ballroom and listen to some suit talk about manager shit for a bit. Then out of nowhere, someone will come in the room yelling belligerently about unions and that they need to unionize etc. They will cause a massive disturbance and overall just be a shitty person that everyone in the room is suppose to hate. Then the host will pretend to act distraught and call the conference off for the night and have everyone go to their hotel rooms to start in the morning. This crazy union person is an actor, made to make union workers look crazy.

The next day they would have 7 people to a hotel room going through managerial training when then someone would “break in” to each room again and start raving about unions and how you should support them. The host would then play along and try to remove them. Then the union person would get violent and be forcefully removed. The entire time, the actual managers have no idea what is going on and that this is part of the conference. They would have someone watching how they react and grading them.

Next thing he said they did after that show which they still haven’t been told is a show, is to play out a few hypotheticals. Each manager would be given a managerial role in a hypothetical factory and have to play out what they would do. The example he gave me is this. You have an advertising budget of $50,000 but there is also an immediate safety concern at the factory that needs addressing, what do you do? Oh yeah… This safety concern is workers picketing out front… Apparently what the correct answer was, is to find the cheapest way to hire a company to bring in scabs on a bus so that you can use as much of the advertising budget for advertising as possible. You can’t make this shit up.

The entire conference was basically about how to stop unions from taking over a company. This honestly disgusts me so much. I have been trying to find anything that talks about this conference online but there is nothing, but my father assures me it is very real. They really don’t want to be well known, probably because of how shady their tactics are. That is exactly why I am exposing them. Fuck PMED and anyone involved in it.

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