
Eyeglass world

Something thats been steadily declining over the years is the eyeglass business. Because years ago opticians would do so much for patients. People don’t realize the actual work it takes to be a licensed optician. We can actual fit contacts, do most of the exam, actually make glasses from scratch and even diagnose small eye ailments. Now corporations have reduced our profession to mere baggers at a grocery store charging obscene amounts of money for garbage product and lobbied on the capital to destroy what little licenses we have left. One example of how they are dismantling just one of the many professions. They make sure the consumer is purposefully uneducated or misled to push their agenda and brain wash the consumer so they fall into their greedy schemes Companies will push deregulation and make sure they pay as little as possible for service and produce awful product the public…

Something thats been steadily declining over the years is the eyeglass business. Because years ago opticians would do so much for patients. People don’t realize the actual work it takes to be a licensed optician. We can actual fit contacts, do most of the exam, actually make glasses from scratch and even diagnose small eye ailments.

Now corporations have reduced our profession to mere baggers at a grocery store charging obscene amounts of money for garbage product and lobbied on the capital to destroy what little licenses we have left. One example of how they are dismantling just one of the many professions. They make sure the consumer is purposefully uneducated or misled to push their agenda and brain wash the consumer so they fall into their greedy schemes

Companies will push deregulation and make sure they pay as little as possible for service and produce awful product the public thinks is just fine. Then they buy company’s in China where they pay for the cheapest labor and send glasses to the persons home.

It’s crazy how company’s will twist the market this way. And we just put up with it. Exams are now done online. What’s next? Are we really ok when company’s do this. Soon every profession will be as mindless as Starbucks and Best Buy. No skill needed. Just $15hr and fake promises.

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